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Lyrics and Music © 2025 Chris Sunfield. Administered by Dasein Music Publishing.

Chris Sunfield: Guitars, Arrangements, Lead & Backing Vocals

Emma Whale: Backing Vocals

Just Keeping You Warm
(2025 Mix)

You and I met Hallowe’en
The cold sets in winter’s soon foreseen
The cuffs went on
But I won’t be here too long, you see I’m
I’m only keeping you warm

I’m just keeping you warm
‘Tween you and the storm
Only keeping you warm
No other reason to be here
My role is loud and clear

You want my body for your bed
But it’s my temperature you want instead
Still I hope for more
But we both well know the score, you know I’m
I’m only keeping you warm

I’m just keeping you warm
No need to perform
Only keeping you warm

And if I change your mind by May
Then you just might let me stay

You will toss me from your bed, by and by
But think before you say goodbye
To an all-weather guy

When the weather improves
These cuffs will be removed, for now I’m
I’m only keeping you warm

I’m just keeping you warm
Give me back my arm
I’m only keeping you warm
And it’s plain and so sincere
By spring I’ll disappear
I’m just keeping you warm
I’m only keeping you warm
I’m just keeping you warm

Lyrics and Music © 2024 Chris Sunfield. Administered by Dasein Music Publishing.

Chris Sunfield: Guitars, Bass, MIDI Programming, Lead & Backing Vocals
Michael Hanson: Drums & Backing Vocals


Anton, you’re simple
Plain and provincial
They said, while sipping their wine
Close to the soil
You troubled and toiled
In your race against status and time
Though short on esteem
You dared to dream
Of your place in a city of dreams
That place where gods go
Was calling you home
Was calling you home

Anton, you’re lost
Your calling’s your cost
In this mortal life, passing you by
They counted courtings
While you courted counterpoint
Sounds came together, not lives
Forgone were pleasures
In movements and measures
You sighted your path to the stars
That place where gods go
Was calling you home
Was calling you home

All the while
Greatness kills Love while she sleeps
The man’s still a child
Blind to the years as they creep
While the world falls in love
Enduring and deep

Anton, you’re famed
Your brilliance proclaimed
As your moment has finally arrived
Now allow yourself taken
But no maiden wakens
You’re a boy in your heart, not their eyes
While their love escaped you
Your love gave way to
A passion that’s wed to all time
Before summoned to all that’s sublime
That place where gods go
Was calling you home
Was calling you home
Was calling you home

Lyrics and Music © 2019 Chris Sunfield. Administered by Dasein Music Publishing.

Chris Sunfield: Lead & Backing Vocals, Arrangements

David Chester: Piano

David Sewchuck: Violin & Viola
Aubrey Dayle: Drums & Percussion

Eclipse (2024 Mix)

In a field with other hearts
Lying, entwined, whispering songs
We waited for an eclipse that never came
The earth ‘tween moon and sun
The rarest of events, begun
Two bodies drawing closer in the void
You saw in me, an energy
I saw you as gravity
You began to wrench me from myself
And days, months, and years they came
In our minds, but all the same
The heavens laid before us in ourselves

This time, my voice is singing
This time, my heart is singing
This time, I can’t help thinking
Why can’t I let go of me

But the heavens harboured clouds
Like thoughts never said aloud
We never saw earth’s shadow pass before
For time and matters hid from view
My feelings, the truest you
Future overcast with ancient fears
In love, too late, fate decreed
That perigee turn to apogee
Two bodies would eventually drift away
And if time could bend magically
I’d shun heaven for the chance to be
With you again, and bust those clouds away

This time, my voice is breaking
This time, my heart is breaking
This time, I can’t help thinking
Why, oh why…
Why am I…

Who was the sun, the moon, you or me
And damn to hell that earth between
No answers in the ether all around
For these moments in all time and space
With you then, now alone, I face
Trices too rare and brief to be retained
But the moon goes on, and we'll be dust
To light again on others’ trust
The universe is blind to smaller things
And in those days, months, and years
That pass before you, me, and time disappear
The memories, like the light, will slip away
They will slip away

Lyrics and Music © 2022, 2024 Chris Sunfield. Administered by Dasein Music Publishing.

Chris Sunfield: Guitars, Keyboards, Arrangements, Lead & Backing Vocals

David Chester: Piano
Aubrey Dayle: Drums & Percussion

Just Keeping You Warm

You and I met Hallowe’en
The cold sets in winter’s soon foreseen
The cuffs went on
But I won’t be here too long, you see I’m
I’m only keeping you warm

I’m just keeping you warm
‘Tween you and the storm
Only keeping you warm
No other reason to be here
My role is loud and clear

You want my body for your bed
But it’s my temperature you want instead
Still I hope for more
But we both well know the score, you know I’m
I’m only keeping you warm

I’m just keeping you warm
No need to perform
Only keeping you warm

And if I change your mind by May
Then you just might let me stay

You will toss me from your bed, by and by
But think before you say goodbye
To an all-weather guy

When the weather improves
These cuffs will be removed, for now I’m
I’m only keeping you warm

I’m just keeping you warm
Give me back my arm
I’m only keeping you warm
And it’s plain and so sincere
By spring I’ll disappear
I’m just keeping you warm
I’m only keeping you warm
I’m just keeping you warm

Lyrics and Music © 2024 Chris Sunfield. Administered by Dasein Music Publishing.

Chris Sunfield: Guitars, Bass, MIDI Programming, Lead & Backing Vocals
Michael Hanson: Drums & Backing Vocals

Bicycle Girl

What does it mean?
You’re born, you live, you die
Is that all there is?
God might be dead
And the angst is doing me in
Hey, welcome to me
An existential mensch who thinks too much
Then I see her out the
Corner of my jaded eye

Bicycle Girl
Bicycle Girl
Girl on a Schwinn
Ponytail in the wind
Cosmos kept in her cart
Bicycle Girl
Bicycle Girl
Pleated plaid skirt
And a frilly flounce shirt
Peddle your way to my heart

What could it mean?

Were you coasting by to save me
From myself?
A two-wheelin’ angel
To distract me from my despair
Well, maybe it’s this
When the finitude of life is certain
Fear and trembling or love
The choice is mine, and mine all alone
I and Thou
Or on my own

Bicycle Girl
Bicycle Girl
She’s a girl on a Schwinn
Ponytail in the wind
Cosmos kept in her cart
Bicycle Girl
Bicycle Girl
With a pleated plaid skirt
And a frilly flounce shirt
Peddle your way to my heart


Kierkegaard, Jean-Paul Sartre
Karl Jaspers, Heidegger
Kafka, Nietzsche, Rollo May
These cats will make my hair turn gray

Girl on a Schwinn
Ponytail in the wind
She flashes a grin
And my head starts to spin
Pleated plaid skirt
And a frilly flounce shirt
A wink and a flirt
And my head starts to hurt
A string of faux pearls
A flapper kiss curl
And ribbons on her fingers to remind her she’s…


Bicycle Girl
Bicycle Girl
She’s in and of the world
Riding from the herd
She’s nice little
Life simple
Bicycle, Bicycle Girl
Bicycle Girl
Bicycle Girl

Lyrics and Music © 2023 Chris Sunfield. Administered by Dasein Music Publishing.

Chris Sunfield: Guitars, Bass, MIDI Programming, Lead & Backing Vocals
Emma Whale
: Backing Vocals

Will Crann: Backing Vocals

Circus of Love

There was a town not far from yours and mine
Love had gone and left it far behind
And then one day the circus came
A magical revue
Bringing jugglers, tumblers, dancing bears
And something they could use

The townsfolk peered from windows unaware
That years of hate would soon be gone from there
With empty souls and empty hearts
The years just flew on by
Now the trumpet sounds, and the horses prance
And the big top fills the sky


Circus of love, love from above and afar
Circus of love, let go of your heart
Circus of love, lending a love so true
Circus of love, love take hold of you

Circo del amor
La magia está en camino


Circus of love, love from above and afar
Circus of love, let go of your heart
Circus of love, lending a love so true
Circus of love, love take hold of you


Then the town was soon in love again
People flitting ‘bout to find a friend
The old ringmaster knew the score
And cast a spell de amor
The circus then tears down
Off to another loveless town

Cuando te encuentres enamorado, te encontrarás


Circus of love, love from above and afar
Circus of love, let go of your heart
Circus of love, lending a love so true
Circus of love, love take hold of you

Love is a circus, a circus of love
Love is a circus, a circus of love
Love is a circus, a circus of love
Love is a circus, a circus of love

Lyrics and Music © 2023 Chris Sunfield. Administered by Dasein Music Publishing.

Chris Sunfield: Guitars, Percussion, Arrangements, Lead & Backing Vocals
Adis Rodriguez Galindo: Backing Vocals & Spoken Word
Michael Hanson: Bass Guitar, Drums, & Spoken Word

You'll Never Know It's You

Do you remember me
Like I remember you
We were just passing through
We had nothing else to do
We were biding time
Captured in one place
Two pawns in time and space
Gone too soon without a trace
Why were we thrown together so long ago
Loneliness or boredom? Well I don’t care to know


Are you still around
Can you be found
What became of you
Where are you now
Woman, anyhow
It’s always been you
Of all the angels I have known
Who do I think of now
As long as we live
You’ll never know it’s you


You affected me
Did I affect you too
No questions ‘cause we knew
Our moments would be few
Were we feigning casual airs
Our indifference a lie
That day we said goodbye
Barely meeting eye to eye
We were never meant to meet again
But the last few seconds told me that
I’d never be the same


Are you still around
Waiting to be found
What became of you
Where are you now
Woman, anyhow
It’s really just been you
Of all the angels I have known
Who do I think of now
As long as we live
You’ll never know it’s you


Do you think of me sometimes
Wherever that you are
Do you see my face from afar
When you gaze upon the stars
Well I must admit this base disgrace
That time has robbed me of your face
It’s cruel, it’s harsh, it’s hard to take
That I can’t see you when I awake

But I see you in the trees
I see you in the clouds
I see you in the sunrise
And every sundown
I hear you on the wind
I hear you in the waves
I hear in the leaves
And even in the rain
I feel you in the sun
I feel you on the breeze
I feel you in the mist
And in the winter’s freeze
Does your heart still beat
Does your body still breathe
Or is everything I see and hear
An echo


Are you still around
Waiting to be found
What became of you
Where are you now
Woman, anyhow
I’m still in love with you
You didn’t know then and you don’t know now
You got in there deep but I don’t know how
As long as we live
You’ll never know it’s you
You’ll never know it’s you
You’ll never know it’s you

Lyrics and Music © 2023 Chris Sunfield. Administered by Dasein Music Publishing.

Chris Sunfield: Guitars, Organ, MIDI Arrangements, Percussion & Vocals
Michael Hanson: Bass Guitar & Drums
Robyn White: Backing Vocals

Get In Get Out

Out of the womb
Fall down and go boom
It could be doom and gloom
But your eyes are wide and open to why
You’re here in the room
And you’re so confused
The world is so new
What is true, what could be
You, are random
But you won’t abandon
What you could be

​Get in and begin to get out
That is what it’s all about
Get in and begin to get out
And you live without a doubt

​Out on your own
On this stone you are thrown
Direction unknown
Then you look to the herd
And you’re sad to observe
It’s all so absurd, and that’s
Why you live for the they
But only today
You must go away to become
You, have an essence
Beyond just a presence
That’s truly you

​Get in and begin to get out
That is what it’s all about
Get in and begin to get out
And you live without a doubt

​But it’s not over
Now you’ve gotta get back in
Long before your closure
It’s with others you must begin

You get in to get out
(Tell me about it)
Then you get back in, and be within

​Get in and begin to get out
That is what it’s all about
Get in and begin to get out
And you live without a doubt
Get in and begin to get out
That is what it’s all about
Get in and begin to get out
And you live without a doubt

Are We in Love

Many many moons ago
When I was a lump of mouldable clay
Some shit went down and I found
That it nailed me to the ground
So I went inside, to duck and hide
Long after the monsters went to sleep
What was under my bed was in my
Head busy counting sheep
Many a sunrise later
I was safe but empty and cold
Now you got me feeling feelings
That I can’t unfold

Are we in love?
What if it’s real this time?
Are we just feeling something
To know we’re alive?

Are we in love?
Should we ignore the signs?
Should we just turn away
And say goodbye?

‘Ditto for me’ you say
Same shit but different people and pile
We’ve all been through that ringer
But can still force a crooked smile
Abused and used and bruised
And occasionally reused
We’re all just rescue dogs
Looking for somebody true
So what in the hell do we do now?
When everybody else is kissing?
We’re just standing here like shells
Of our future selves


Are we in love?
What if it’s us this time?
Are we just feeling something
To be alive?
Are we in love?
Should we forget the signs?
Should we just bolt away
And say goodbye?

So here we are at the end of this song
We might shag, we might say so long
It bogles the mind why we can’t just
Find to how to get along
I might hurt you, and you might hurt me
By now we should wake up to finally see
We’re hard, we’re strong, we’ll bend, not break
Put fear to bed until Love’s awake
Now we’re standing face to face
There’s no monsters here in this space
It’s so hard to run and hide
With arms open wide.


Are we in love?
What if we take our time?
Are we just feeling something
That keeps us alive?
Are we in love?
Should we accept the signs?
Should we just live today
And say hereby
We’ll try?

Lyrics and Music © 2023 Chris Sunfield. Administered by Dasein Music Publishing.

Chris Sunfield: Guitars, Keyboards, Arrangements, Lead Vocals
Elena Kapeleris: Saxes
Michael Hanson: Bass, Drums & Backing Vocals
Amanda Beylerian: Spoken Word

Ten Feet High
(2025 Mix)

We were young
Barely four feet high
You were bold and so precocious
And I was still so shy
Our Moms and Dads were playing Twister
You leaned in and then you whispered
Let’s go to my treehouse
There outside
In the sky

We were alone
Far from chaperoned
Up a tree we climbed
Past our bedtime
To pleasures there unknown
The crickets sang, the air was misty
You leaned in and tried to kiss me
And I pulled back, surprised
My mind was blown
And turned to stone


I only knew that I wasn’t ready
And I didn’t go for Ronnie or Betty
We were young and all-told
We were ten years old
And ten feet high
You said something ‘bout going steady
But you had Barbies and bears named Teddy
We were only so old
We were ten years old
And ten feet high
Ten years old
And ten feet high


Years flew by
We grew up and said goodbye
Different places, lives, and partners
But we kept up our ties
From time to time I thought and pondered
Did I make one tragic blunder
Could just one kiss so young have been the
Future of you and I
(But after all…) 


I only knew that I wasn’t ready
And I didn’t go for Ronnie or Betty
We were young and all-told
We were ten years old
And ten feet high
You said something ‘bout going steady
But you had Barbies and bears named Teddy
We were only so old
We were ten years old
And ten feet high
Ten years old
And ten feet high


The word came that your Mom was gone
So I found my way back home
To pay my respects
I didn’t expect
Our eyes to connect
In a way that reflected
Some night when we were ten
How does that happen again?

An empty house, a bottle of wine
“You’ve done well”, “And you still look fine”
Let’s go to my treehouse there outside
One last time


I only knew that I wasn’t ready
And I didn’t go for Ronnie or Betty
We were young and all-told
We were ten years old
And ten feet high
We got older and complicated
Making a simple kiss seem dated
But we were never too old
To have and hold
At ten feet high
We finally tried at ten feet high
We said goodbye at ten feet high

Lyrics and Music © 2023 Chris Sunfield. Administered by Dasein Music Publishing.

Chris Sunfield: Guitars, Keyboards, Lead & Backing Vocals

Haig Beylerian: Bass Guitar
Michael Hanson: Drums & Backing Vocals


Baby boy or girl, that you were
Never counting the suns as you ran with the herd
You woke up in pain to find out one day
Your god wound the clock before passing away
And although you’re no longer asleep
Take a look around…you’re still counting sheep
You stand before something
But is that something really nothing at all?


Once you’ve gone within
That’s when you must begin
Walk beyond the world you’re in
Through a door and just begin
You stand before something
That you will make from nothing at all


Born of dusty stars, that you are
Wakeful and wise to your remaining hours
You know yourself, and yourself you must be
Accepting the past while forging destiny
And although you’ll struggle hard now and then
You’ll realize the gift before you sleep again
The choice is before you
But is your choosing really your choice at all?


Once you’ve gone within
That’s when you must begin
Walk beyond the world you’re in
Through a door and just begin
The choice is before you
From your own will or no will at all
You must all begin


Lost in hopes and dreams
That’s just the way it seems
And once you have begun
The truest you, you will become

You must begin.
Begin to become you…
Begin to become you…

Lyrics and Music © 2017 Chris Sunfield. Administered by Dasein Music Publishing.

Chris Sunfield: Guitars, Keyboards, Arrangements, Lead & Backing Vocals
Jess Leung: Backing Vocals
Elena Kapeleris: Alto Sax

Michael Hanson: Bass Guitar & Drums

Tomorrow’s Here
(Far Away Objects Mix)

We are asleep inside

We are the dreams we hide behind

Who we fear to be

Slumber in a bed of history

Full of scars? Full of stars is what we are


We need just one momentous day

To chase the past away

So make that day today


Tomorrow’s here

Tomorrow’s here

Tomorrow’s here

Big and bright and clear

Tomorrow’s here

The dawn of everything that you hold dear

Tomorrow’s here


We are awake inside

We will rise to find our truest side

Who we choose to be

Is not what happened to us, can’t you see?

Full of stars, newborn stars is what we are


We need just one momentous day

To make our beds and make our getaway

So make that day today

Make that day today


Tomorrow’s here

Tomorrow’s here

Tomorrow’s here

Big and bright, the end of night is near

Tomorrow’s here

The light and love we lost will re-appear

Tomorrow’s here


Wake and rise from the darkest night

Walk outside to a future so bright

Rouse yourself from a wounded dream

Live and love in a life unseen

Free yourself from the force of fear

Trust yourself now tomorrow’s here

Lyrics and Music © 2021 Chris Sunfield. Administered by Dasein Music Publishing.

Chris Sunfield: 6- & 12-String Guitars, Midi Arrangements, Lead Vocals
Vicky Rai: Backing Vocals
David Chester: Hammond Organ
Rob Laidlaw: Bass Guitar
Graham Shaw: Drums

Michael Hanson: Backing Vocals

Don't Kill Me

I want you

But you need me

So I’m leery

You’re legal

But I’m medieval

I’m weary

Your energy’s murder, it’s the reason why

I gotta be thinkin’ if I want you enough to die

Don’t Kill Me

Don’t Kill Me

Don’t Kill Me

That’s it, boo

I’m black and blue

I’m done for


I’ll let you finish

No encore

We’d be up til’ morning if you had your way

But I’m not sure if I really want to die this way

Don’t kill me

Don’t kill me

When I sleep I have the most wondrous dreams

You and I are both so young and green

Our lives before us in a love so deep

Just let me sleep

Somewhere ‘tween slumber and wakin’

Dawn’s close to breakin’

Somebody’s shakin’ my lifeless form

Give me ten, I might perform

Just don’t kill me

I’m damn straight

This heart rate

Is making me feel infirm

I’m outta breath

From your dance of death

You get the thrust and I get the worm

How will I kick it when I finally go?

Heart attack? Fade to black? I don’t know

But maybe you’re the baby that’ll save me from

the home

Don’t kill me

Don’t kill me

Don’t kill me

Don’t kill me

Don’t kill me

Don’t kill me

You thrill me

But don’t kill me

Don’t you kill me just yet

Lyrics and Music © 2021 Chris Sunfield. Administered by Dasein Music Publishing.

Chris Sunfield: Guitars, Keyboards, Lead & Backing Vocals

Eliza Beth: Backing Vocals


Smiling so sweetly, dimples and all  

While you hide the trophy heads on your wall

Beauty and beast in brilliant disguise  

Bait for the broken wings that catch your eye

Coiling around, strike when they’re rapt

Love bomb your prey as they squirm in your trap

Practice you care in the mirror  

You’re a predator  

The pigeon is dry, of no further need  

Toss away, walk away, find your next place to feed

But they’re still breathing, after you part

Find friendly ways to continue to rape their hearts

Vanished from sight, but surfacing soon

To promise another chance to be consumed

But you don’t remember their names  

You’re a predator  

Swallow me whole  

Baby swallow me whole

Lyrics and Music © 2021 Chris Sunfield. Administered by Dasein Music Publishing.

Chris Sunfield: Guitars, Bass Guitar, Keyboards, Percussion, Lead & Backing Vocals

Ya Favourite Lightskin: Rap & Backing Vocal

Vicky Rai: Backing Vocals

Michael Hanson: Drums

The Little Things

We got into our cars
And we drove off to the stars
But we all ran out of gas
We never made it further than Mars
Then we flew up to the Sun
On wings held with spirit gum
But the Moon got in the way
Our flying days were over and done
Sometimes other worlds get in our way, and spoil our play
But this world lies before us every day
And it makes us say…

Somewhere out of this world
Is where you’d like to be
But somewhere inside this world
The little things wait for me
Somewhere, for what it’s worth
Your Planet Earth is here
(But then…)

We went to Saturn’s rings
To see the wonders that they bring
But they were made of odd socks we’d lost
And other missing things
Now the story rambles on
We launched a rocket from the lawn
But we forgot to get inside
We watched it as it kissed the great beyond
Sometimes other worlds, they get us wound, and let us down
But hope still springs around us from familiar ground

So the moral of this whimsical tune
About planets, stars, and moons
Is keep on chasing bigger things
But don’t forget the little things
Live and love the little things
Ah, the little things…

Live and love a little longer
Live and love your life a little longer.

Lyrics and Music © 2018 Chris Sunfield. Administered by Dasein Music Publishing.

Chris Sunfield: Guitars, Keyboards, Percussion, Lead & Backing Vocals

Vicky Rai: Backing Vocals

Michael Hanson: Bass Guitar, Drums, Backing Vocal



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